The Tunisian Government Presidency published, in JORT No. 32 on April 14, 2020, five decree-laws and one government decree outlining measures adopted to combat the economic and social consequences of COVID-19 :
1. Decree-Law No. 1 : pertains to the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic and the determination of the effective date of legal texts.
2. Decree-Law No. 2 : concerns the exceptional and temporary suspension of certain provisions of the Labor Code and relates to the conditions for suspending employment contracts.
3. Decree-Law No. 3 : addresses the establishment of exceptional and temporary social measures to support certain categories of self-employed workers affected by the repercussions of total lockdown measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
4. Decree-Law No. 4 : introduces exceptional and temporary social measures to support businesses and protect their employees impacted by the repercussions of total lockdown measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
5. Decree-Law No. 5 : concerns the deduction of one day of work for the year 2020 in favor of the state budget.
6. Government Decree : specifies the modalities, procedures, and conditions for implementing the provisions of Decree-Law No. 2020-4 dated April 14, 2020.