Tunis : Platform for exceptional social aid and grants for businesses
30 April 2020
The Official Journal of the Republic of Tunisia No. 104, dated December 27, 2019, published law No. 78-2019 of December 23, 2019, concerning the finance act for the year 2020.
This law includes several fiscal provisions, the main ones being as follows :
- Exemption for low-income employees and pensioners (annual income < 5,000 TND) from the 1% solidarity social contribution on taxable salaries ;
- Increase in the deduction ceiling for dependent parents from 150 TND to 500 TND ;
- Extension of the 13.5% tax rate to high-value-added services ;
- Continued encouragement for Tunisian companies to list their shares on the Tunis Stock Exchange ;
- Postponement of the application of the 19% VAT rate on residential properties sold by real estate developers ;
- Extension of the statute of limitations (from 4 years to 6 years) for Tunisian taxpayers who paid the minimum tax when filing their annual tax returns.